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תקנות אולם השמחות - Simcha Hall Guidelines

ברוב שבח להשי"ת שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה, לגמור ברוב פאר והדר את אולם השמחות של בית מדרשינו, ובבקשה על העתיד שהכל יתנהג על פי התורה והיראה.

When the Simcha Hall is rented for Shabbos, it will automatically include a period of time on Friday (or/and) Motzai Shabbos, to prevent transgression of Sechar Shabbos.

Non-Jews are not allowed to do any work for anyone on Shabbos. (This includes, but not limited to, changing the lighting settings or color). Any questions should be discussed with the Rav.

All preparations for the Shabbos must be done enough in advance to avoid Chilul Shabbos. No melachah may be done on Motzai Shabbos until after zeman Rabenu Tamm (72 minutes after shekiah).

All Simchos following davening (Such as a kiddush or after a Bris on weekdays) require appropriate separation of men and women at all times with a suitable Mechitza (Bushes or flowers are acceptable). This includes an outside kiddush as well.

The right side of the ballroom is designated to be used for the men's section, and the other side (at the Adelberg lane entrance) is designated for the women's section.

Any changes in regard to the ballroom layout, must be discussed prior to implementation.

No Tefillos are to be held in the ballroom without acquiring permission.

Any question in Halachah, Kashrus, Hilchos Shabbos and Yom Tov, etc., should be discussed with the Rav.

No external food is allowed.

A fulltime Mashgiach is required at every simcha.

The following caterers are approved to provide their services in our Simcha Hall:

  • Chap A Nash
  • Garfinkel
  • Gotta Get a Bagel
  • Guttman
  • Kazan
  • Lowinger
  • Pavilion 39
  • Seasons

If you wish to use a different provider, prior authorization is required. Please have this in mind before hiring a caterer, to avoid unnecessary Agmas Nefesh.

At the conclusion of an event, the Bal Simcha is responsible that no trash is left behind in the Hall or its perimeters, all garbage must be deposited in the designated trash collection area.

ויהי רצון שחפץ ה' בידינו יצליח, ויהי נועם ה' עלינו ומעשה ידינו כוננה עלינו ומעשה ידינו כוננהו.


Kehilas Bais Yisroel Simcha Hall

Welcome to our online booking system. If you would like to reserve our Simcha Hall please choose the appropriate date from the calendar.

The time of the event is not specific so do not worry about choosing a certain hour, just be sure to choose the proper date.

Before completing the booking, you must contact The Ruv regarding use of the Hall. Once approved, you may return here and complete your booking.

Once you select the date and indicate the type of event you will be having, you will be directed to a payment page to place a deposit. Deposits are non-refundable and may be used 

For any other questions including which caterers may be used, please send an email to and one of our gabboim will get back to you with more information.


Make a Reservation

Tue, October 15 2024 13 Tishrei 5785